7月31日,是青啤前任总经理彭作义的一周年祭日。这位英年旱逝 的矮个子将军开创了国内啤酒行业规模宏大而历久弥新的产业重组革命。一年前,“彭大将军”意外撒手人寰,留给仓促上阵的现任总经理金志国一盘没有下完的并购棋局。 “彭大将军”生前不断强调“要对收购企业进行有力整合”。但却没来得及把整合的要义交给金志国,只留下一个巨大的框架图便匆匆离去。今天,青啤的并购大戏似乎走到了一个临界点。冲过去将海阔天空。但冲过去并不容易。
Tsingtao Beer, the famous Chinese beer brand,will soonwelcome it's 100-year birthday.During last 7 years,the com-pany has kept buying other small domestic breweries.From Oct.1994 to Mar. 2002, it has bought 47 breweries and increase itsoutput from 300 thousand ton to 3.8 million ton. But acquisitions have not given an impetus to company'srevenue.In fact,Tsingrao Beer is facing serious financial crisisIn order to improve financial situation,Mr.Jin zhiguo,the newGeneral Manager of the company,is busy mobilizing all positivefactors ro seek opportunities to cooperate with international largebeer enterprises.Will Tsingtao Beer and Mr.Jin zhiguo leap overfinancial obstacle? Will the company be acquired by it's foreigncompetitors? Can it keep its 100 years brand? These questionshave aroused general concern.