产品价格的确定不仅取决于生产成本 ,还应包涵服务成本。非价格竞争下 ,产品保修是售后服务的主要内容。本文运用更新报酬理论 ,建立了产品保修策略模型。模型表明 :在消费转型时代 ,只有引入产品的差异性、降低生产成本、提高产品质量、延长产品寿命、制订合适的保修策略 ,才能保障合理的厂商利润 ,有效刺激需求。
The product's price is determined not only by production costs but also by service costs . Guarantee is the main point of service under non-price competition. A guarantee product tactics model based on renewal theory is established in this paper . The model states clearly that in the times of consumer goods transition, it is the only way to ensure firm's rationalization profit and to stimulate the requirement effectively by drawing diversity into product, reducing production costs , improving the quality of products , prolonging production life and working out suitable guarantee tactics .
Value Engineering