本文分析日本著名文化学者和社会活动家池田大作 (192 8— )的教育主张和教育观念 ,全文包括对其教师观念、教育目的和家庭论述的分析。他的这些论述分散地贯穿于他的宗教、哲学和文化著作之中。然而 ,通过分析能够窥见 ,这些分散于多种著作中的教育主张和教育观念之间具有内在的逻辑联系。在他看来 ,教育的任何一个环节都应该始终追求人类自身的进步和幸福。
The paper analyses the views and ideas of education of Yi Kei Da Dai Sa Ku,a famous Japanese cultural scholar and social activist,which covers his thoughts of education aim,of teachers role in education and of his thoughts of family education. All of his views and ideas run through his statements of religion,philosophy and culture distributively. However,all of these possess inner logic. That is showing loving care for the progress and happiness of humanity.
Journal of Soochow University(Philosophy & Social Science Edition)