要为史学寻找“出路” ,着力点应当在史学主体本身。史学工作者应当提高自身的综合业务素质 ,在研究中紧密切合时代的脉搏与主题 ,兼顾当下读者的旨趣与性情 ;革故创新论著的体例 ,讲究学术语言的运用 ,形成风格化、个性化的语言 ;充分利用新旧材料 ,展开有意义有价值的研究。
To search for the outlet for historiography, we should lay emphasis on historiography itself. First, historiography staff should improve their professional accomplishments to keep pace with times and suit their research to the audience; second, they should create a new system of writing by using terminology and stylistic diction; third, they should make full use of data to do valuable research.
Journal of Huaiyin Teachers College(Social Sciences Edition)