太平天国在其长达 14年之久的革命斗争过程中 ,不仅在政治上、经济上和军事上对封建统治阶级进行了猛烈的冲击 ,而且在文化和教育方面进行了一系列的改革。太平天国文化与教育改革具有鲜明的时代特点。一方面 ,太平天国顺应历史发展潮流 ,反映广大农民的利益和愿望 ,其文化与教育改革既继承了传统 ,又有所创新 ,更体现了进步的平等思想 ;另一方面 ,由于受阶级和时代的局限 ,太平天国的文化与教育改革又蒙上了浓厚的宗教色彩 ,并带有很大的落后性和盲目性。
In the course of 14 years of revolutionary struggle, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom not only made vigorous assaults on the politics, economy and arm forces of the feudal ruling class, but also carried out a series of cultural and educational reforms. These reforms were tinged with striking features of the time. On the one hand, following the trend of historical development, the reforms, which reflected the interest and desire of the great majority of the peasants, by inheriting the tradition and making innovations at the same time, embodied the progressive idea of equality. On the other hand, limited by its class status and the time, these cultural and educational reforms were filled with strong religious color and characterized by its backwardness and blindness.
Journal of Guangxi Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)