目的 探讨分析四肢脊柱车祸伤的临床特点,提出相应的救治措施。方法 对365例四肢脊柱车祸伤的发生因素、临床表现、救治经过及后果进行分析研究,找出其临床特点及其有效的救治方法。结果 四肢脊柱车祸伤的临床特点有:①创伤重且复杂;②复合伤多且危险;③多发伤及开放伤多;④软组织辗压,挫灭严重;⑤汽车肇事伤最多,最重。结论 针对车祸伤的特点,采取相应的预防及救治措施,将能减少车祸伤的发生,也能减少并发症的出现,对减少残废,降低死亡率亦有很大的指导意义。
Objective To approach and analyse the clinical symptoms of the injuries to the victims' four limbs and the spine resulted from traffic accidents and to suggest some treatments. Methods By means of the analysis and study of the causes, the clinical manifestation and the process and results of treating 356 cases of the injuries to the victims' four limbs and the spine caused by traffic accidents, we are to find out their clinical characteristics and provide some effective treatment have for injuries of this kind. Result: The injuries to the victims four limbs and the spine caused by traffic accidents has the following clinical. ①This kind of injuries are severe and complicated;② Quite a few cases are severe and critical compound fracture; ③ Many of the cases are multiple and patent; ④The soft tissues are terribly compacted and contused; ⑤The injuries caused by car accidents are the severest and greatest in number. . Conclusion In accordance with the characteristics of this kind of injuries, if relative preventive measures against and treatments for injuries of the kind are taken, this kind of injuries and the complication caused by the injuries can be decreased, hence tais will be a great significance in decreasing disabilities and death rate.
Four limbs Spine Traffic accidents injuries