Methods Osteoblasts free from the calvaria of fetal rabbits by sequential enzymatic digestion
were transplanted into the radias defect of the adult rabbits after 6-8 days in culture, They were embedden in the type I collagen gel in the concentration of 10~7, 10~6, 10~5, 10~4/ml , Bone repair was evaluated by X - ray, bone density and scanning electron microscopy. Results Bone union rat of radias transplanted 10~7, 10~6, 10~5, 10~4/ml osteoblast /ml was 40% , 65% , 31. 25% , 5. 55% at 4 weeks after transplanting, and 41. 67% , 75% , 37. 5% , 10% at 8 weeks after transplanting. Bone density of radias defect transplanted 10~7, 10~6, 10~5, 10~4/ml osteoblast / ml was 0. 112 ±0. 018, 0. 159 ±0. 033, 0. 122±0. 039, 0. 066 ±0. 002 at 6 weeks after transplanting and 0.150±0.059, 0.173 ±0.041, 0.145±0.023, 0. 103±0. 023 at 8 weeks after transplanting. By scanning electron microscope observation, at one week after transplanting, there are only round cells and uncalcified extracellular matrices (ECM). At 3 weeks after transplanting, bone lacuna has formed, ECM has not fully cacified, Osteoblasts on the lacuna have many short thin protoplasmic processes. At 5 weeks after transplanting, ECM has fully cacified, Osteoblasts on the lacuna have less longer protoplasmic processes which penetrate the adjacent mineralized matrix via canaliculae. Conclusions Transplantation of allogeneic fetal osteoblast can stimulate bone defect repair, The optimal concentration of osteoblast at implant is 101~6 cells /ml.
Osteoblast Cell transplantation Bone tissue engineering Bone defect