目的 观察Ender钉治疗下肢骨折的并发症。方法 股骨、胫骨开放性骨折一期清创骨折复位内固定,闭合性骨折消肿后切开复位内固定,早期开始功能练习。结果 术中、术后觉见的并发症为:断端存在间隙,断端不稳定,成角。钉进退困难,异位穿出,骨皮质破裂,钉尾滑移,滑囊炎,钉腐蚀,断钉,成角畸形愈合,关节功能受限等。结论 认为只要掌握适应症,术中正确操作,不稳定骨折变为相对稳定性骨折,并发症是可以预防的。
Objective To study the complications of low extremities' fractures treated by Ender nails. Methods Open femoral fractures were treated by primary debridement, reduction and fixation. Closed fractures were reducted and fixed after repercassion. Results The complications during and after operations were unstabled fractures, nails plugged, ectopic exit, nails broken and so on. Conclusion The author discussed the reasons of the complications and pointed out how to prevent them.