文章认为 ,《诗经》中的“文”作为“文德”之义 ,是周人的创造 ,有特定的内涵 :是天所不包的伟大精神和襟怀 ,是人的品德的最高境界。“文”起源于“赋” ,其中有远古宗教色彩 ,同时也蕴含着深厚的人文精神。
The article exposed the specific connotation of“Wen”in“Wen De”.It is the widest and richest color in the universe and it is the highest moral state of human beings.The Zhou's“Wen”originated from“Fu”,of which there were religious bright colors in ancient times and meantime strong humanist brilliance.Either“Wen”or“Fu”is the deep humanism and the soil for the appearance and development of the Chinese Culture and Chinese Literature.
Journal of Jindongnan Teachers College