本体论探究存在自身。存在可分为两种 :精神性的存在和非精神性的存在。恩格斯提出的哲学基本问题是关于思维与存在关系的问题 ,因此 ,哲学基本问题与本体论密切相关 ,主客体问题以及人与环境的关系问题取决于哲学基本问题。可见 ,哲学基本问题不只是有关理论的问题 ,而且是有关现实的问题。不坚持唯物主义即为抛弃哲学基本问题。
Ontology explores existence itself. Existence can be divided into two kinds: Spiritual and non-spiritual. The basic issue of philosophy advanced by Engels is the one of the relation between thinking and being, and therefore the philosophical problem is closely related to ontology. The matter of subject and object and the relation between man and environment depends on the basic issue of philosophy, which shows that the matter of philosophy is not merely a matter of theory, but a matter of reality. Not to adhere to materialism is a to abandon the basic issue of philosophy.
Journal of Jiangsu Institute of Education(Social Science)