语言和它赖以存在的文化有着密切关系 ,学习一种语言就是学习该种语言所代表的文化。根据专科英语教学大纲要求 ,教学中不能仅重视语音、词汇等 ,也要根据课文内容穿插补充相关的课外知识 ,使学生了西方的风土人情、礼仪风俗等 。
Language is closely related to it's culture. Learning a language is to learn it's culture. According to the outline for Practical English,we should pay more attention to phoneme and vocabulary and the knowledge beyond class as well, so as to make students learn of western history,social behavior,customs,etc.and improve their intercultural sense and ability.
Journal of Jindongnan Teachers College