把“以德治国”和“依法治国”并举作为建设有中国特色的社会主义国家的治国方略 ,是我党领导人民治理国家基本方略的完善和创新。“以德治国”思想的提出 ,决不意味着取代“依法治国”,不意味着要回到传统德治模式中去 ,而是用社会主义道德更好地和法治一起发挥功能 ,治理好国家。“以德治国”和“依法治国”所强调的角度、侧重点有所不同 ,但两者殊途同归 ,其终极的价值目标都是为了要营造一个安定团结、健康有序、持续发展的社会氛围。建设有中国特色的社会主义政治、经济和文化 。
Combination of ruling by morals and ruling by law as a governing system in Chinese socialist construction indicates an improvement in people's governing the state. The idea of ruling by morals is not to replace that of ruling by law and resume traditional reining pattern, but to combine the two to produce better results. The two ideas start different perspectives but come to the same desirable effects, whose aim is to build a unified, healthy and sustaining social phenomenon. Constructing Chinese socialist politics, economy and culture depends on combination of morals and law.