曹雪芹祖籍辽阳 ,但根据曹氏侧系宗谱和曹氏后代的民间调查 ,曹雪芹先人的祖籍可远溯小云南乌撒卫 ,即今云南镇雄、贵州威宁一带 ,还有人说在江浙交界处 ,曹氏迁辽宁后 ,世代都有在清政府官府为官的人。其中有武官 ,也有文官 ,当然官职不大。据今人回忆曹雪芹被抄家后 ,有人曾把曹雪芹称为书呆子、傻子、曹疯子。而且在曹雪芹侧系流传着一些关于曹雪芹的《石头记》《风筝记》等书 ,但这些东西全部被毁 。
The CAO Xue qins ancestral home is situated in the Liaoyang.But,according to the ancestry of Caos collateral branch and the folk investiation of Caos offspring,the land of Caos ancestors dates from the Wusawei Xiao Yunnan,now that is around the Zhenxiong Yunnan and the Weining Guizhou,also some say that is around the juncture of Jiangsu and Zhejiang.After Caos moves to Liaoning,there are Caos government officials from genneration to generation in feudal official of the Qing Dynasty(1644-1911).There are military officer and civil official in which,it goes without saying that government posts not are minister.Cao Xuqin was called a bookworm,a simpleton and Cao madman by somebody,after Caos house is searched and confiscated. Cao Xueqins 'The Stone Notes','The Kite Notes'and so on which were handed down among the Caos callateral branch,but which books were all destroied,now unable to observe and study.
Journal of Dandong Teachers College