教学质量是电大的生命线 ,加强开放教育教学过程的质量控制 ,首先必须制订明确切实的质量控制目标 ;其次要构建一个高效、有序的质量信息反馈系统 ;再次要采取适宜的灵活多样的控制方式 ,把事前、事中、事后质量控制结合起来 ,把制度控制和目标控制结合起来 。
Teaching quality is the life blood to TV University. To strengthen quality control in the teaching process of open education: first, formulate clear and practical quality control objective. Second, construct a quality information feedback system with high efficiency and good order. Third, adopt the proper, flexible and multi modes of control, link together the quality control in prior, middle and subsequent processes, combine systematic control with objective control, integrate unified control with decentralized control.
Journal of Jiangsu Radio & Television University