田间小区试验和大面积验证试验表明 ,韩乐天和农美利对稻田发生的恶性杂草稻李氏禾防效好 ,防除效果达 90 %~ 10 0 %。两种药剂施用后水稻产生一定药害。韩乐天对直播水稻安全 ,但在移栽田分蘖盛期施用时易发生药害。农美利施用剂量高易发生药害 ,且不宜在移栽田使用。韩乐天和农美利适宜的使用量分别为 30~ 5 0aig/hm2 、2 2 .5~ 30aig/hm2 ,适宜施药期为 6月 5~ 15日 ,稻李氏禾株高 10~
Experiment results showed that Pyanchor or Nominee apploed in rice field could effectively control Leerisia Orygoides L. and control effect was 90%~100%. Pyanchor was safe to direct-seeded rice, butif it is applied in transplanted rice field at tillering stage injury to rice could occur. Nominee could injure rice at high doses, and it was not adaptable to use in transplanted rice field. The suitable dosage was Pyanchor 30~50 ai g/hm 2 or Nominee 22.5~30 aig/hm 2. The effective time of application was during the fifth to fifteenth in June as the hight of Leerisia Orygides L. was 10~15cm.
Heilongjiang Agricultural Sciences