目的 探讨碱性成纤维细胞生长因子 (bFGF)对庆大霉素 (GM)肾毒性防治研究中一些细胞超微结构的改变。方法 实验分两部分 :(1)保护研究 :实验动物为豚鼠 ,随机分为对照组和实验组 (每组n =10 )。对照组按 80mg·kg·d-1肌注GM17d ,停药后继续注射生理盐水 (NS) 6d ;实验组注射GM的同时 ,加注 2 0 0 0U·kg-1·d-1bFGF 17d ,停GM后继续注射bFGF 6d。(2 )治疗研究 :实验动物为雄性Wistar大鼠 ,随机分为对照组和实验组 (每组 n=10 ) ,两组动物均按 16 0mg·kg-1·d-1肌注GM 9d ;实验组于第 10d按 2 0 0 0U·kg-1·d-1肌注bFGF 9d ,而对照组则注射NS。所有动物均取肾皮质制片 ,电镜观察。结果 两部分研究中对照组电镜下均可见肾小管上皮细胞胞质染色较淡 ,细胞内脂滴、包含物增多 ;线粒体、溶酶体、微绒毛等细胞器或细胞微细结构改变。实验组电镜下肾小管上皮细胞形态基本正常 ,治疗实验组中还可见较多增生的近端和远端小管。
Objective To explore some cellular ultrastructural changes on protective and therapeutic studies of bFGF acting against Gentamicin (GM) nephrotoxicity.Methods The experiments were composed of two portions:(1)protective effects: Animals were Guinea pigs, dividing randomly into control and test groups(n=10). GM was injected to the animals of the control group by muscular route for 17 days according to 80mg/kg/d for each animal. saline solution was injected for 6 days after stopping GM injections. To the test group, GM and bFGF(2 000 U/kg/d) were injected muscularly to each animal at the same time for 17 days. bFGF was used continuously for 6 days after stopping GM. (2)therapeutic effects: Animals were Wistar rats, dividing randomly into control and test group(n=10). GM was injected to the animals of both groups by muscular route for 9 days at a dosage of 160 mg/kg/d.At 10 days, bFGF was injected muscularly to the rats of test group at a dosage of 2 000 U/kg/d while saline solution to control group. All rats were killed and renal cortexes were cut for observations of electron microscope.Results Under EM, both control groups showed that cytoplasms of epitheli of renal tubules were stained pale, with intercellular lipid droplets and inclusions increased in number. The cellular organelles or microstructures such as Mitochondria, lysosomes, microvilli were changed morphologically. In the meantime, morphology of epitheli of renal tubules of both test groups was almost normal. Regenerating proximal and distal tubules were seen easily on therapeutic test group.Conclusion bFGF have a good protective and therapeutic effects to injuries of renal tubules caused by GM.
Anatomy Research
广西壮族自治区教育厅 (桂教科研 [1999] 3 49号 )
卫生厅 (桂卫科 [1999] 2 1号 )科技项目
Basic fibroblast growth factor
Guinea pig