Using domain decomposition method and own software solved the project of flow over torpedo with ring wing. The flow field solved was with angle of attack and without angle of attack at Reynolds number from third power of ten to seventh power of ten. The Baldwin-Lomax turbulent model was employed in calculation. The errors of pressure of numerical values at stationary point comparing with invicid value 1.5 were less than 10 per cent. The errors of outlet flux comparing with entrance flux are less than 5 per cent . The lift coefficient increased with angle of attack when angle of attack was no lager 15 degree, and when the angle of attack over 15 degree the lift coefficient was slowly decreasing. The coefficient of frictional resistance was no much difference as increasing of angle of attack but the coefficient of pressure difference was obvious increasing. There were complex flow pattern between hull and ring wing. The paper has shown the singular points in this area. The governing equations were primitive equations with pressure Poisson formation. The solver was based on Leap Prog implicit iterative methods with non-staggered grids. The domain decomposition method adopted to solve flow field around the torpedo in which Schwarz iterative method or Drichlet Neumann iterative method was employed to do loop for every sub domain.
Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics