杭州湾潮汐的波动在临近的含水层中产生的压力波 ,由于压力波向内地传播 ,使地下水位和水力坡度连续不断地发生波动 ,并直接影响场地周围含水层中压力表的读数。为了掌握潮汐对场地地下水的影响 ,通过比较地下水和地表水平均水位标高计算地下水的平均水力坡度。压力波按正弦波传输 ,地下水相对于潮水有一时间滞后 ,本文中计算了不同观测地点的滞后时间、影响因子和波长 。
Tidal fluctuations in surface water bodies of Hangzhou Bay result in progressive pressure waves in adjacent fractured aquifers. As the pressure waves propagate inland, groundwater levels and hydraulic gradients continuously fluctuate, it affects the piezometer readings in the aquifer around the site. In order to ascertain the effect of the tide to the groundwater of the site, the mean hydraulic gradient can be calculated by comparing mean ground and surface water elevations. The transmission of the pressure oscillations remains sinusoidal with a time lag, the time lag and the tidal efficiency factor and wavelength were calculated in this paper. It provides significant scientific basis to master the law of tide and groundwater movement for the construction of the nuclear power station.
Chinese Journal of Hydrodynamics
国家自然科学基金 (49772 16 2 )
博士点重点基金 (19990 2 84 2 1)