19世纪 90年代 ,泰戈尔移居谢里达农庄照管祖传地产。其间 ,作家创作了 60多篇反映孟加拉农民的勤勉、贫困、希望与追求 ,展示孟加拉农村广阔生活画面的短篇佳作。众多作品构成多重组合复调 ,每部作品又常常具有多重主题。泰戈尔往往通过对比手法塑造人物 ,使形象鲜明突出 ;叙事中间或夹以发人深省的议论和极富感染力的抒情 ;文笔简练 ,对人物心理变化的过程、事件产生发展的契因不作详细交代 ,给读者留下充分的思考空间 ;比喻俯拾皆是 ,生动形象而又贴切自然 ,足见作家见识广博想象丰富。这些农村题材的短篇小说洋溢着热情、充满了生气 。
Tagore moved to farm Shelid to take of his inherited estate in the 1890's, when he produced more than sixty well-known short stories which displayed the industriousness, impoverishment, hope and pursuit of the farmers and showed before us an animated picture of the countryside life. His works embodies a common theme as a whole while at the same time,each story as an individual entity contributes to the combination of themes. Tagore usually portrays characters in the manner of contrast to highlight the images. He strings his narrations with thought-provoking comments, which are full of artistic appeal. His simplicity in writing and the lack in detailed information about the process of the characters' psychological changes and the causes of wents leave immense space for the readers to think. The vivid, appropriate and natural use of metaphoric language demonstrates the author's rich knowledge and imaginations. These short stories are permeated with enthusiasm and vivacity, manifesting their artistic charms of special characteristics.
Journal of Lianyungang Technical College