采用计算机系统管理沥青混合料试验过程即建立试验数据库管理系统 ,是施工技术发展的一个重要方向。研制过程中的关键是设计初期对整个系统的结构、设计策略及总体设计过程的分析和确定 ,然后沿着该设计思路一步步具体实现。本文依据沥青混合料试验过程 ,提出了适合本试验的微机管理系统设计思想 。
This DBMS of asphalt mixture experiment's exploitation can satisfy the imperious demand on construction on highway asphalt concrete pavement. DBMS of asphalt mixture experiment now can accomplish such things as the calculation and designing of row material experiment, the design of graded aggregate objective and productive mixture ration, the print and output of correlating table or graph, the input of everyday experiment data, the inquiry and output of result data of experiment under some condition and the maintenance of software system.
Journal of Nanjing Polytechnic College