
单轴振动电机横置的高速振动筛试验研究 被引量:2

Experimental Study on a High-speed Vibrating Sifter with a Transversely Placed Monoaxial Motor
摘要 提出将单轴振动电机横置于筛体上作为高速振动筛的振动源。对筛子的结构及筛分性能进行了试验研究 ,找出了影响筛分性能的主要结构参数以及各结构参数对筛分性能影响的规律。通过对试验结果的多项式回归分析 ,作出了各试验变量对筛分性能影响的关系曲线 ,从中得出筛分性能变化规律及最佳筛子结构参数的变化范围。 A monoaxial vibrating motor placed transversely on a sifter as a vibration source of a high speed sifter was developed in this paper. The sifter with such structure has good characteristics, such as excellent sieving performance, simple structure, balanced running and low energy consumption. Especially, through adjusting setting position of the motor on the sifter, we can change the moving state of the sifter surface and achieve a high sieving performance. According to the experiments, the main parameters of structure that affect sieving performance were found out and the principle of these effects was described. Through a polynomial regression analysis to the results, the effects of the parameters on sieving performance, the rule of sieving performance, and the changing range of optimum parameter of the structure were also obtained.
出处 《农业机械学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第4期46-48,54,共4页 Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
基金 河北省科委攻关项目 (项目编号 :92 112 13 0 D)
关键词 农产品 加工机具 单轴振动电机 横置 高速振动筛 试验 High speed oscillating sieve, Vibratory motor, Transversely placed
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