以含沙量不同的两种自来水为润滑介质 ,用 MPV 2 0 0型摩擦磨损试验机研究了水润滑酚醛树酯塑料合金轴承的摩擦磨损性能 ,得出不同水质、不同工况下的摩擦学特性 ,并对作用机理进行了系统分析 。
Thermosetting phenolic aldehyde resin plastic alloy is a kind of composite consisted of thermosetting phenolic aldehyde resin, cotton fiber and carbon fiber, and it has many outstanding physical and mechanical performances, which makes it widely applied in underwater sliding bearing. The water lubricated bearing made of this kind of plastic alloy has a great bearing capacity and excellent tribological performance. In this paper, the effects of load, speed, and time on friction coefficient and wear rate of bearings, which are made of thermosetting phenolic aldehyde resin plastic alloy and lubricated by water with various sand contents, were studied using a MPV200 model friction and wear testing machine, and the characteristic of friction and wear was found out. At the same time, wear mechanisms were analyzed systematically. It provides a theoretical basis for practical application of water lubricated plastic alloy bearings.
Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
教育部科学技术重点项目 (项目编号 :9910 4)