结合我国 5 0年代以来核地球物理方法和仪器的发展历程 ,概况了航空、地面、测井、测氡、热释光及人工放射性方法在寻找放射性矿产、油气藏及环境辐射评价方面的应用和最新进展 ,以及各个历史时期取得的主要成就 ,并就氡的迁移机制、土壤热释光的应用。
Based on the course of the development of nuclear geophysical techniques and instruments in China since 1950's, this paper has described the application of such techniques as airborne survey, ground survey, logging, radon survey, thermoluminescence and artificial radioactivity to the prospecting for radioactive mineral resources and oil gas accumulations and the evaluation of radiation in environment, and summed up the achievements made in various periods as well as in recent years. Some opinions are also given for the further researches in such aspects as the migration mechanism of radon, the application of soil thermoluminescence and the background of natural gamma radiation.
Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration