近年来 ,全球患结核病的人数逐年上升 ,虽然世界各国 ,包括我国在内都采取了紧急措施来控制该病的蔓延 ,但仍难以控制。目前 ,个人的防范意识差已经成了该病难以控制的关键所在 ,尤其是患者 ,普遍存在不规范用药 ,成为耐药性菌株出现的主要原因 ,耐药性菌株的出现导致该病难以治愈 ,因此 ,人人了解结核病 ,增强防范意识对有效控制结核病的蔓延来说 。
In recent years,the number of people who are suffering from tuberculosis in the world has been increasing year by year.Every country has taken measures to control the spread of the disease. But it is still difficult to control.At the present,individual consciousness of guarding against the disease is very poor.That is the factor that the disease cannot be controlled.Particularly,the TB patients don't take medicines regularly.As a result,some of mycolacterium tuberculosis have become resistant to medicines.So the disease is difficult to cure. Therefore,it is extremely urgent for everyone to know of tuberculosis and strengthen guarding consciousness against the disease,then the spread of it can be controlled.
Journal of Chengde Teachers College for Nationalities