“太康”文学上承建安、正始 ,下启南朝 ,呈现出一种过渡的状态。由于诗人们生活在一个比较安稳、舒适的环境中 ,士人的普遍心态是求实逐利 ,表现在文学上 ,便是抛弃了建安诗歌的梗概多气与正始诗歌的深邃哲思。但是 ,“太康”文坛并不冷落 ,无论作家还是作品的数量都远远超过前代 ,尤其是诗歌 ,在士人生活中的价值进一步得到肯定 ,形成了与汉魏古诗不同的艺术风貌 ,文学的抒情性 。
Taikang' refers to the period of time from Taishi to Yuankang, with more than 40 years, during which the poets lived a peaceful and comfortable life, and thus, the writers and their works exceed in number those of the preceding times. In this period, the value of poetry in the gentry's life was highlighted, the poets laid emphasis on expressing emotional feelings in the poetry and formed an artistic style differing greatly from that of the classical poems in the Han-Wei times.
Journal of Chuxiong Normal University