本文系统考察了《孟子》中条件复句的结构形式 ,首先着眼于条件复句的直接构成成分 ,即分句 ,对主谓结构、非主谓结构充当某分句的情形分别作了分析、归纳。接着 ,文章以对分句的结构形式的探讨为基础 。
The paper makes a systematical investigation into the various structures of the conditional complex sentences used in The Book of Men Zi. The author first discusses the direct part of the conditional complex sentence, i.e., the subordinate clauses, including the subject-predicate construction and non-subject-predicate construction. Then, based on the analysis of the construction of the subordinate clauses, a summary is given to the combination ways of the subordinate clauses.
Journal of Chuxiong Normal University