彝族被称为火的民族 ,对火的崇拜贯穿于他们生活的各个层面 ,火塘是他们生活的中心 ,各种人生仪礼围绕火来举行。他们认为火有善恶之分 ,善火能给人带来吉祥 ,恶火会使人遭受灾难。火能驱邪除秽 ,治病消灾。
The Yi people are called the fire nation. The fire worship runs through every field of the Yi peoples life. The clay fireplace is their life center,around which a variety of rites are being held. It is believed that there are good fire and evil one. The former can bring good luck, and the latter will lead to disasters.
Journal of Chuxiong Normal University