记述了齿爪盲蝽属 9新种及中国 1新纪录种 ,新种为窄顶齿爪盲蝽Deraeocorisangustiverti calissp .nov .、斑腿齿爪盲蝽D .annulifemoralissp .nov .、弓盾齿爪盲蝽D .conspicuussp .nov .、铜黄齿爪盲蝽D .cupreussp .nov .、黄头齿爪盲蝽D .flavicepssp .nov .、海岛齿爪盲蝽D .insu larissp .nov .、雅齿爪盲蝽D .majesticussp .nov .、大眼齿爪盲蝽D .oculatussp .nov .和王氏齿爪盲蝽D .wangisp .nov .,中国新纪录种为东方齿爪盲蝽D .onphoriensisJosifov ,1992。模式标本保存在南开大学标本馆 ,文中量度单位均为mm。
Deraeocoris angustiverticalis sp. nov. (Figs. 1-7) Body middle size, pale yellow.Vertex pale yellowish brown, width 0.85×(♂), 1.86×(♀) width of eye. Antennae slender, segment Ⅰ length 2.72×(♂), 1.65×(♀) width of head. Rostrum yellowish brown, apex reddish brown, reaching anterior margin of mesocoxa. Pronotum orange, with reddish brown punctures, punctures dense at posterior margin of callus. Scutellum pale yellowish brown to pale reddish brown, smooth, without punctures. Hemelytra orange, membrane pale yellowish brown, with irregular corrugation. Legs pale yellowish brown, slightly red at apex of hind femur(♂) and base of tibia. Ostiolar peritreme yellow. Venter pale yellowish brown, with pale semi-erect pubescence. Male genitalia. Left paramere sickle-shaped, apical portion of hypophysis slender, sensory lobe developed; right paramere slender, `S' shaped, sensory lobe slightly developed; vesica with 4 membranous lobes and 4 sclerotized appendages. Body length 5.36-6.07*!mm, width 2.21-2.36*!mm. Holotype ♂, Menghai(29.1°N,100.5°E), Yunnan Province, 6 Oct. 1979, LING Zuo-Pei leg. Paratype 1♀, same as holotype. Remarks. The new species belongs to the kerzhneri group, its combination of characters (body color, size, male genitalia) can distinguish it from other species of this group. Etymology. Named for the narrow vertex of the male.Deraeocoris annulifemoralis sp. nov. (Figs. 8 -13) Body small, elongately ovate, yellowish brown to dark yellowish brown. Vertex yellowish orange, width 1.19-1.34× width of eye, antennae reddish brown, segment Ⅰ length 0.84× width of vertex, segment Ⅱ length 0.94-1.13× width of head; rostrum reddish brown, apex black brown, reaching middle of mesocoxa. Pronotum dark yellowish brown, with dense black and coarse punctures; calli black; scutellum pale yellowish brown to reddish orange, punctures same as pronotum. Hemelytra yellowish brown, punctures same as above, membrane pale yellowish brown to reddish brown. Femora yellowish brown to pale reddish brown, with irregular reddish brown maculations and one to two reddish rings. Ostiolar peritreme pale dirty yellowish brown to reddish brown. Venter reddish brown to black, with dense semi-erect pale pubescence. Male genitalia. Left paramere short, thick, sensory lobe roundly prominent; right paramere small; vesica with 2-3 membranous lobes and 4 sclerotized appendages in lateral view. Body length 4.21-4.86*!mm, width 2.14-2.29*!mm. Holotype♂, Wolong (1*!929*!m)(30.9°N,103.1°E), Sichuan Province, 24 Feb. 1987, YU Chao leg. Paratypes: 18 ♂♂, same as holotype, 16-24 Feb. 1987; 1 ♂,Mt.Maiji (34.20°N, 106.10°E), Tianshui County, Gansu Province, 6 Aug. 1986, BU Wen-Jun leg.; 27♀♀, 16-24 July 1987, locality same as holotype. Remarks. This new species is allied to D. onphoriensis Josifov but the latter is pale yellowish brown, with irregular black maculations on the pronotum and hemelytra, vesica with two membranous lobes and two sclerotized appendages. The new species is yellowish brown to dark yellowish brown, without any maculations on the pronotum and hemelytra, vesica with 4 sclerotized appendages. Etymology. Named for its annulated femora.Deraeocoris conspicuus sp. nov. (Figs. 14-18) Body small, black brown to black. Head black, vertex width 1.44× width of eye; antennal segment Ⅰ length 0.89× width of vertex, Ⅱ length 1.5× width of head; rostrum yellowish brown, reaching anterior margin of mesocoxa. Pronotum black, evident oblique, with thick black punctures; calli black, connected with each orther; scutellum black, shining, conspicuously swollen, without punctures. Hemelytra black brown, punctate, membrane pale yellow, semi-hyaline. Femora reddish brown, with yellowish brown maculations, hind tibia reddish brown, with rings on subbase and subapex. Ostiolar peritreme dirty yellow at apex and reddish brown to black brown at base and middle. Venter reddish brown, with dense semi-erect pubescence. Male genitalia. Left paramere thick, short, sensory lobe developed; right paramere small; vesica
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
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