毛泽东思想的创立及其指导地位的确立 ,是中国共产党历史上的第一次理论飞跃。理论思维的成熟是党完全成熟的标志 ,在党的七大上 ,刘少奇对第一次理论飞跃 ,对阐述毛泽东思想、确立毛泽东思想在全党的指导地位 。
It was the first theoretical leap in the history of CPC that the creation of MAO Ze-dong thought and the foundation of its directive function. The well-considered theoretical thinking indicatedful maturity of the Party. LIU played a decisive and key role upon the first theoretical leap and the elaboration of MAO together with the foundation of its directive standing over the whole Party at the seventh representative assembly of the CPC. Such unique contribution will be put into annals and remembered forever.
Wuhan University Journal:Philosophy & Social Science