鲁迅首开中国现代白话小说之先河 ,并在其白话小说创作的叙述方式方面作了有益尝试 ,使其小说具有某些散文化的特色。具体表现在 :在叙述角度方面 ,多采用第一人称的叙述方式 ;在情节展示中 ,注重以典型场面和细节来塑造人物形象 ,刻画人物性格 ;
Lu Xun is the founder of novels in the vernacular Chinese in modern China. Great efforts are made in his writings of vernacular Chinese, typical of prose. His writing characteristics are reflected in the following aspects: first personification is adopted in his narration; typical situations and details are described to portray his characters; his narrative description is in combination with his argumentative writings and emotional description.