阅读是我国大学英语课程的主要培养目标。阅读又是我国广大大学生毕业后 ,在我国社会主义现代化建设中获取本专业所需要信息的主要手段。英语阅读是一项非常重要的语言实践活动。我们应从教与学两方面挖掘潜力 ,通过各种学习途径 ,充分利用现代化教学设备 ,进行多方位的英语阅读教学活动 ,从根本上提高大学生英语阅读能力。
Reading comprehension of English is one of the main objective of the College English course of China,which,after the graduation of students,becomes an important tool for them to collect professional information for the socialist modernization of China.Because practice is essential to the improvement of English Reading comprehension,it is suggested by the paper to stress both on teaching and learning and make full use of modern teaching facility,so as to fundmentally improve the abitity of students to read English.
Journal of Shanxi Institute of Economic Management