《冬天里的花》是温若谷的诗集。在诗集中 ,既可以看到作者直面苦难、拥抱苦难的人格精神 ,又展露了作者追寻精神家园、呼唤人间真情的浪漫情怀 ,还可以感受到作者那宁静的生命、澄明的心境。从承验苦难到追求浪漫再到走向宁静 。
Flowers in Winter is a collection of poems by Wen Ruogu. It reveals the poet's personality spirit of undergoing and embracing hardships, his crying for romantic feelings of true human love, and his quiet life and transparent mental state. The process from undergoing hardships to seeking romance and tranquility shows Wen Ruogu's practice in life.
Journal of Weinan Normal University