传统知识论是从现实性出发 ,以客观事物固有的规律作为认识的目的和知识的内容。虚拟现实的出现 ,要求我们必须转换视角 ,把知识的规则作为知识论考察的核心。知识的规则是对事物及其关系表述和建构的规则 ,知识规则体现了人类知识的主体向度 ,把世界理解为“自然向人的无限生成过程”。人类知识规则经历了行为化知识规则、经验化知识规则、形式化知识规则和数字化知识规则四个发展阶段。当代社会的知识规则是关于知识的知识 ,也就是如何获取知识、应用知识和运用知识的知识。
The traditional theory of knowledge originated from reality, considering the inherent regularity of the objective world the aim of recognition and content of knowledge. With the rise of virtual reality, however, we are obliged to change our perspective and consider regulation the core of examining the theory of knowledge. Regulation of knowledge refers to regulation of formulation and construction of matters and their relation. It reflects the subject dimension of human knowledge, and interprets the world as “endless process of transformation from the endless process of nature's growing”. Regulation of human knowledge has undergone four development stages, namely, behaviorist regulation, experiential regulation, formal regulation and digital regulation. Regulation of knowledge today consists of knowledge about knowledge, that is, knowledge about how to obtain knowledge, how to apply knowledge and how to exercise knowledge.
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