

A rational meditation upon the construction of new poetical meters: a comprehensive reading of three old poems by Mr. Wen Yiduo
摘要 闻一多先生 1 92 5年自美返华前致友人梁实秋函中附有一组旧诗 ,过去一直被忽略。其实解读这些诗作 ,对于研究一多先生新诗创作从《红烛》到《死水》的发展 ,亦即从当时流行的自由体到格律体的转变 ,对于了解他的以建立新诗格律为中心和旨归的崭新诗学理论 ,以至对于今天研究新诗现状、思考新诗发展 ,都具有极其重要的意义。 In 1924, Mr. Wen Yiduo mailed a series of old poems attached in a letter to Liang Shiqiu after he returned from America, but they have been neglected since then. In effect, the reading and comprehension of these poems are of vital importance to the research on the development of Wen Yiduo's composition of new poetry from 'Red Candle' to 'Dead Water', namely the study of the transition from free verse to meter, and essential to the comprehension of his fresh poetic theory centering upon the building up of new poetical meters and to the exploration of today's state of new poetry and future development of new poetry.
作者 万龙生
出处 《重庆教育学院学报》 2002年第4期37-40,共4页 Journal of Chongqing College of Education
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