在中国 2 0年代的戏剧舞台上 ,田汉及其同仁们发起了一场“艺术戏剧运动” ,他们在社会政治功能的挤压中 ,执著地表现戏剧的生命象征意识。本文立足于田汉 2 0年代早期剧作 ,以新浪漫主义为理论视点 ,重在挖掘其剧作内在的精神实质 ,即 :同时具有物欲冲动和精神追求二重结构的本体的人 ,如何在这两种因素的碰撞与交锋中 ,体味灵的觉醒 。
On the 20's drama stage in China, Tian Han and his colleagues launched a movement of artist drama. Unlike other Chinese dramatists who emphasized drama's social and political functions, they stuck to pursuing the symbolic consciousness of life in drama. This paper analyses TIAN Han's early drama works in the 1920's from the theoretical angle of new\|romanticism. This paper emphasizes Tian Han's exploration of the inherent spiritual essence, namely, how a man in essence, who has the dual sides of material desire and spiritual pursuit, deals with the collision between the awareness of inspiration and the ambition of the cosmos.
Journal of Zhejiang Shuren University