通过对建筑学专业美术教学现状的分析 ,指出了我国现行教育体制存在的弊端是造成学生专业素养失衡的症结 .进而提出应正视现实 ,以积极的态度投身到教学研究和改革之中 。
This paper,through the analysis of the current situiation of the art teaching in the specialized subject of architectonecs,points out that the defaults existing in the present education system of our country is the crux of the unbalanced expertise accomplishment of the students majoring my in architectonecs.Hence, the paper urges us to confront the realities and with an active attitude plaunge ourselves into teaching research and reforms, and make the art teaching in architectonecs play a special important role in nurturing the qualified architeture engineers.
Journal of Luoyang University