为探讨卵巢癌病人腹腔灌注化疗中不同给药顺序及浓度对减少不良反应的作用 ,对 1998年 12月— 2 0 0 0年 12月应用CBP (环磷酰胺、顺铂、博莱霉素 )化疗方案的 13 0例卵巢癌病人进行观察 ,在腹腔灌注化疗药物前后分别肌肉注射不同止吐药物 ,按给药顺序不同随机分为两组进行对照观察。结果 :实验组病人腹痛及消化道反应的发生率及严重程度明显低于对照组。提示 :卵巢癌病人行腹腔灌注化疗时给药顺序以中分子右旋糖酐、顺铂、0 .9%氯化钠注射液、博莱霉素为宜。
To explore the role of abdominal cavity perfused with chemotherapy drugs in different order and different concentration to abate their side-effect in patients with oophoroma, 130 cases of inpatients admitted from Dec. of 1998 to Dec. of 2000 who had received CBP (cyclophosphamide, bleomycin, and platinol) chemotherapy regimen were selected and observed. Before and after the abdominal cavity perfusion with chemotherapy drugs patients received intramuscular injection of different antiemetics,and they were divided into test and control groups randomly according to different order of drug administration and different concentration of the medication. Results showed that the incidences of both abdominal pain and gastrointestinal reaction in test group patients were remarkably lower than that in control group patients. Suggested that it was suitable to give medications in the order of medium molecular dextran, platinol, 0.9% of sodium chloride and bleomycin in oophoroma patients undergoing abdominal cavity chemotherapy drugs perfusion.
Chinese Nursing Research