目的 探讨九江市1950—2000年急性传染病流行趋势,为制定防病对策提供依据。方法 运用时间序列和自身对照方法,分析发病率、死亡率变化趋势。结果 平均发病率、死亡率大幅度下降,大多数传染病得到有效控制,但性传播疾病自80年代发病率呈上升趋势。50~70年代以自然疫源性地方病为主,占总发病数的45.31%-63.54%,80~90年代则以肠道传染病为主,占总发病数的52.72%~90.02%。50年代发病居前5位的疾病是疟疾、麻疹、痢疾、百日咳、乙脑,而90年代则变为痢疾、肝炎、麻疹、伤寒、钩体病。结论 我市传染病疫情出现新的特点,防制形势仍然严峻,应及时制定科学防病对策,加强预防和监测力度。
OBJECTIVE To explore the epidemic trend of acute infectious diseases from 1950 to 2000 in Jioujiang City, which can provide reference basis for fomulating prevention and control strategies of diseases. METHOD Using the way of time series and self- contract, analaying on changing trend of incidence rate and mortality rate for infectious diseases. RESULT Average IR and MR declined sharply during 50 years respectivly, most of infectious diseases were controlled effectively. However, since late 1980s, the IR of STD has a rising tendency, the natural infectious endemic diseases which were popular from 1950s to 1970s reached 45.31% - 63.54% of total incidence. While infectious endemic disease which were popular from 1980s to 1990s reached 52.72% - 90.02% of total incidence. The diseases occupied the first five places in 1950s were Malaria, Mealses, Dysentery, Whooping cough and Encephalitis B respecively, while that of 1990s were Dysentery, Hepatitis, Measles, Typhoid fever and Leptospirosis. CONCLUSION The epidemic situation showed some new charactristic.Because of the serious epidemic situation, we should work out scientific preventive and control strategies in time, and strengthen the dynamics of prevention and supervise-ment.
Chinese Primary Health Care
infections disease, epidemic trend, preventive and control strategies