N-模冗余结构是一种广泛应用的容错结构 .其有效性是建立在它所包含的故障模块数不超过 (N- 1) /2的假设之上的 .而破坏该假设的可能途径有故障累积和同时故障 .防止故障模块累积的方法之一是使冗余系统具有故障定位能力 ,然后及时地将故障模块予以隔离和替换 .传统的静态和动态硬件冗余结构或者不具有故障定位能力 ,或者不提供显式的故障定位信息 ,并且对附加电路本身的故障是无法处理的 .为此 ,针对静态硬件冗余结构 ,作者等人曾提出了 N为奇数情况下的差错定位解决方案 ,而该文则提出了 N为偶数情况下的相应解决方案 .
The N-modular redundancy (NMR) structure is a widely used fault-tolerant structure. For the static NMR structure, author presented a systematic scheme of the concurrent error locatable NMR structure in 1999, where N is odd. It consists of a conventional NMR structure and a totally self-checking extra locator with N+1 two-rail code outputs. During normal operation, according to the symptom given by the locator, it can determine whether a NMR structure is error-free, or a redundant module, the voter, or the locator itself is faulty or not. With respect to even N, this paper presents two concurrent error locatable NMR schemes for N=4 and N=6, respectively. The proposed locators for 4MR and 8MR structures are verified by Active-VHDL. The multiple-module failure analysis for the 8MR structure using a 7/8, 6/8, or 5/8 voter is given. The hardware complexity and the propagation delay of locators are estimated.
Chinese Journal of Computers
国家自然科学基金 ( 6 97330 10
6 98730 10 )资助