文中提出了一个基于角色的 OA系统访问控制模型 RBACOA(role- based access control of office automation) .给出了数据、操作、权限、角色、用户、约束和角色继承等模型要素及其相互关系的形式化描述 ,并且提供了基本的操作和规则 .文中简述了 RBACOA模型在 Domino/Notes平台上的设计与实现 ,通过设计与实现的 OA应用实例说明了该模型在访问控制方面的优点 .
In this paper , a role-based access control model of OA (RBACOA) is put forward to solve the access control problems of the OA system . This model symbolically describes the elements such as data ,operation, permission, role, user, restriction and role inheritance ,discusses the interrelation of these elements, provides basic regulations and functions . The author illuminates the design and implement of the RBACOA model on the platform of Dominos/Notes, testifies the safer access control effects by examples of OA applications. This model can meet the requirements for access control in OA system.
Journal of Chinese Computer Systems