目的 研究腺病毒介导的CTLA4Ig基因在大鼠异基因原位气管移植中的作用。 方法 建立异基因大鼠原位气管移植模型。分别采用腹腔注射生理盐水 (Saline组 ,2ml/只 )、腹腔注射CTLA4Ig重组腺病毒载体 (Ad CTLA4Ig组 ,2× 10 9PFU/只 )和肌肉注射环胞素A(CsA组 ,5mg/kg) ,观察术后大鼠的存活时间和移植气管的病理改变。 结果 Ad CTLA4Ig组大鼠存活时间为(2 7 3± 5 88)d ,较Saline组 (7 3± 1 63 )d和CsA组 (18 3± 1 70 )d明显延长 (P <0 0 5 )。同时 ,术后 10dAd CTLA4Ig组大鼠气管组织学改变与CsA组大鼠比较无明显差异。结论 Ad
Objective To study the effect of CTLA4Ig mediated by adenovirus vector on the survival of tracheal allografts in rats.Methods A model of orthotopic tracheal allotransplantation was established in rats. Three groups of rats were used.In recombinant CTLA4Ig adenovirus vector(Ad CTLA4Ig)group, 2×10 9 PFU Ad CTLA4Ig was intraperitoneally injected after transplantation, whereas in saline group, 2ml saline was used. In CsA group, 5ml/kg cyclosporine A was given intramuscularly.Mean survival time of rats and the histological changes were then observed.Results Mean survival time of rats in Ad CTLA4Ig group was (27 3±5 88)d, which was much longer than that of saline group[(7 3±1 63)d] and CsA group [(18 3±1 70)d].Meanwhile, the histological changes of allograft in Ad CTLA4Ig group were almost the same as that in CsA group.Conclusion Recombinant CTLA4Ig adenovirus vector could be able to prolong the grafts survival in orthotopic allotransplantation of trachea in rats
Chongqing medicine
国家自然科学基金重大项目 (39993430 2 )
国家自然科学基金面上项目 (39970 756)