为了解粤东丘陵山区健康人群弓形虫病的感染情况。方法 :用ELISA和IHA两种血清学检测方法进行互补检测。结果 :共检 10 10人 ,血清弓形虫抗体阳性 15 7人 ,阳性率为 15 5 4 %。在 15 7例阳性中 ,除 90例双阳性外 (ELISA和IHA) ,还有 6 7例单项阳性 (ELISA或IHA) ,其中ELISA阳性而IHA阴性 2 3例 ,IHA阳性而ELISA阴性 4 4例。结论 :地处粤东丘陵山区的梅州市人群弓形虫病感染率较高 ,应引起重视。
? Objective To explore the infection of toxoplasmosis in humans in the hilly land of Meizhou in East Guangdong province. Method Mutual complementary detection was used in serological study with ELISA and IHA. Results There were 1010 people detected in the investigation, and 157 cases were positive in the two methods of anti-toxoplasma gondii serological tests. The positive rate was 15.54%. Among the 157 positive cases, 90 cases were positive in both methods (ELISA and IHA), and the other 67 cases was positive either in ELISA or in IHA. There were 23 cases positive in ELISA but negative in IHA, and 44 cases positive in IHA but negative in ELISA. Conclusion The infective rate of toxoplasmosis is higher in the hilly land of Meizhou in East Guangdong province. The results suggest that it is better to use both methods simultaneously than to use one method only in the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis. 〔
Disease Surveillance