目的 :制定感冒宁冲剂的治疗标准。方法 :采用TLC对感冒宁冲剂中大青叶、金银花、防风进行定性鉴别 ,利用紫外分光光度法对制剂中的黄芩甙进行含量测定。结果 :在TLC色谱中均能检出大青叶、金银花、防风 ,含量限度黄芩甙不少于 6 .6 8mg/g。结论 :所建立的方法简便可行、重复性好、结果稳定、准确 。
Objective: To establish quality standards for Ganmaoning Granules. Method: To apply TLC to Indigowood, Honeysuckle flower and Divaricate saposhnikovia root for qualitative identification, while UV spectrophotometer to Baicalin for content assaying. Result: In TLC, Indigowood, Honeysuckle flower and Divaricate saposhnikovia root could be checked out, and Baicalin was more than 6.68mg/g. Conclusion: The method is simple, recurrent well, stable and accurate, so it could be used to quality standards for Ganmaoning Granules.
Hunan Guiding Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology