大散文《飘逝的绝唱》结合古蒲州自然地理环境、人文环境的实地考察 ,对《西厢记》作了全面的美学诠释 ,其思想内涵是对美的礼赞 ,是捍卫美的宣言 ,表现了李存葆发现美、捕捉美、鉴赏美的健康而高尚的审美观 ,全篇字里行间包含着对亵渎美的严正批判。这篇大散文完全可以看作是用散文笔调写的一篇优美的评《西厢记》的长篇论文 ,是“散文似论文”的破体名作 ,其语言风格雍容华贵、丰腴典雅 ,语句长短奇偶错落交递 ,骈散结合 ,修辞手法多样 ,意蕴而畅 ,佳句迭出 。
The Great Prose “A literary Highlight Fading Away' gives us a comprehensive aesthetic interpretation to the famous novel “A Romantic Story in the Western Wing', by on-the-spot inspection to ancient Puzhou prefecture's natural, geographical and cultural environments. It praises beauty highly, and is a defensive declaration of beauty. It also demonstrates Li Cun-bao's sound and noble aesthetic viewpoints of discovering, capturing and appreciating of beauty. There is also a severe criticism to profaning beauty in the prose. This prose can be considered utterly a graceful thesis written in prose style of “A Romantic Story in the Western Wing'. This article, written in prose tone, is a masterpiece of broken style. Its words are dignified and poised, meaningful and elegant; the rhetoric sentences, short or long, odd or even, rhythmical and parallel or prose, are well arranged, excellent sentences occur repeatedly. It is a great prose in distinctive style.
Journal of Ankang Teachers College
classical love
aesthetic interpretation
break style