认真学习理论 ,以科学理论武装头脑的关键是找准认知点 ,解决认识问题 ;全面把握理论 ,努力提高自身水平的关键是找准立足点 ,解决怎样学的问题 ;深入研究理论 ,提高分析问题能力的关键是找准新焦点 ,解决为什么学的问题 ;充分运用理论 ,做到理论联系实际的关键是找准突破点 ,解决理论与实践的统一问题。
To study one theory deeply and completely, we must pay much attention to the critical points in it, they are: what we will learn from it, why to learn, how to be adapted ourselves to the fresh ideas in it, how to be self-improved, and at last to put the theory into practice.
Journal of Ankang Teachers College