采用动力有限元计算了穿甲弹侵彻装甲时 ,应力、应变率在弹和弹前端装甲中的分布。结果发现 ,当穿甲弹以 14 0 0m/s左右的初速侵彻装甲时 ,在侵彻过程中 ,弹前端装甲中的应变率最高可达到 10 5/s,但是分布范围很窄 ,不超过 3mm ,在此之后的较大范围内 ,应变率都是 10 3 /s;弹和靶中的应力分布规律与应变率在靶中的分布规律相同。
In the paper, the distributions of stress and strain rate in rod penetrators and armors during penetrating have been calculated by finite element analysis. Results show that when the initial penetrating speed of rod penetrators is about 1?400m/s, the strain rate in armors can rise up to 10 5/s during penetrating, but the distribution range is within 3mm; and the strain rate keeps to 10 3/s within a large range later. The distribution laws of the stresses in rod penetrators and armors and the strain rate in armors are about the same.
Ordnance Material Science and Engineering