目的 :检测各型肝病患者血清前白蛋白 (PA) ,谷丙转氨酶 (ALT) ,白蛋白 (ALB)和L γ 谷氨酰转换酶 (γ GGT)含量的变化 ,观察在肝病中的意义 ,同时与非肝病患者和正常健康者作对照。方法 :用PA试剂盒测定血清PA的含量。结果 :发现各型肝病血清PA含量与对照组比较均低下。急性肝炎时 ,血清PA含量降低 ,ALT升高 ,ALB和γ GGT无明显变化 ,尤其肝硬化 (失代偿 )、重症肝炎和重度慢性肝炎血清PA含量降低极为显著 ,随病情好转 ,血清PA含量有所上升。结论 :血清PA含量检测对肝功能损害病人有很重要的临床意义 。
Objective:To study the change of prealbumin and ALT and ALB and γ GGT detection in patients with varieties of hepatitis,and observe the significance in the Hepatitis,meanwhile comparing with the non hepatitis and normal period groups.Methods:Serum PA were examined using PA kit.Results:Showed that blood serum PA decreased in varieties of hepatitis comparing with the control group.The concentration of PA in sera of acute hepatitis decreased obviously,the ALT levels were increase,the ALB and the γ GGT without distinct change,the significant decrease of serum PA level appeared especially in the patients with hepatocirrhosis(decompensatory)and severe hepatitis.As the improvement of disease,the serum concentration of PA were gradually increased.Conclusion:Blood serum PA detection is a sensitive parameter which reflects the damage and the recovery of liver function in the hepatitis.The dynamical observation of serum PA level may be used to provide important accordance as the improvement of disease.
Journal of Sichuan Continuing Education College of Medical Sciences