晚清官僚董恂任总理各国事务大臣期间 ,曾评点长篇通俗章回小说《儿女英雄传》。董恂对《儿女英雄传》的思想内容、艺术特征诸要素 (人物形象塑造、谋篇布局、写作方式和技法、语言特色等 )作了逐一评点。董评本作为该书清末后刊行的版本系统中唯一的评点本 ,不乏精辟见解 ,展示了一定的进步性与小说创作理论 。
During his term of office as the Foreign Affairs Minister in the later Qing Dynasty, Dong Xun commented on The Biography of the Heroic Youth, a popular and traditional novel. Dong concretely analyzed the novel's assorted factors in its thinking content and artistic features, such as characterization, chapter arrangement, writing style and skills, language pattern and so on. As the only commented version of this novel ever published in the later Qing Dynasty, Dong's commentary contains quite some brilliant exposition, and shows a certain progressive idea and his theory of novel creation. It has a special value and important position in the research of this novel and it's editions.
Journal of Jiangsu Radio & Television University