中国文学艺术长廊之中有无数的奇女子 ,其形貌个性千奇百态 ,各难尽述。本文主要是针对中国古代文学中的女性形象作横向的勾勒 ,探索其卑微的生存境况、悖逆的主体意识和不凡的人生价值 ,力求能在一个较为客观的坐标系中为其定位。
There are countless impressive female characters with various appearances and personalities in Chinese literature,which could hardly be demonstrated accurately and completely. I've been attempting to make an exploration on some representative female images from multiple angles,which directed at females struggling in feudal society,by drawing an outine of them and probing into their humble living circumstances, rebellion subjective ideology and life values to make relatively objective judgements.
Journal of Fuqing Branch of Fujian Normal University