变电培训仿真系统是对上岗人员进行培训的一种新型有效的手段 ,是变电站上岗培训工作的重要组成部分 ,它含有大量的数据与图形 ,真实、全面反映电力系统的实际情况 ,为此 ,介绍了该系统的功能、软硬件配置、开发环境、现状 ,并对系统的开发应用与发展趋势进行了分析和探讨。
Transformation training simulator (TTS) is a new and efficient way for transformation training, which includes a lot of data and graphics and reflects the real circumstances of power system. With a description of the system function, hardware and software disposition, development environment and status quo, the application and development trend of TTS are discussed in this paper.
Guangdong Electric Power